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Science-Related Homework Help Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences Topic started by: IRIS123456 on Mar 4, 2018

Title: Children forced to try new foods are less likely to try those foods again than are children who are ...
Post by: IRIS123456 on Mar 4, 2018
Children forced to try new foods are less likely to try those foods again than are children who are left to decide for themselves.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 2

Lactose intolerance is _____.
 a. a milk protein allergy
 b. less common in infants than adults
 c. caused by a deficiency of the enzyme lactase
 d. caused by an inability of the body to produce lactose
 e. overcome by feeding infants formulas high in lactose to build their tolerance

Q. 3

Children who spend more than two hours each day watching television or other media can become obese even while consuming fewer kcalories than more active children.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 4

An infant with a suspected protein intolerance may be _____.
 a. fed a soy formula because plant proteins are well tolerated
 b. fed a hydrolyzed protein formula
 c. breast fed only because breast milk offers the best nutrition for infants
  d. put on IV fluids with a fat replacement
 e. fed a cow's milk formula because it is low in proteins

Q. 5

Children's food aversions may be the result of nature's efforts to protect them from allergic or other adverse reactions.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 6

Several practices are helpful in relieving colic. An exception is _____.
 a. swaddling the baby
 b. bathing or otherwise calming the infant
 c. evaluating and improving positioning of the baby for eating
 d. ensuring that the baby is burped often
 e. increasing the mother's intake of cow's milk if the infant is breastfed

Q. 7

Allergic reactions to foods always occur within 3-4 hours after the food is consumed.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Title: Children forced to try new foods are less likely to try those foods again than are children who are ...
Post by: dankthetank on Mar 4, 2018
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