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Science-Related Homework Help Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences Topic started by: leo su on Mar 4, 2018

Title: Which of the following organs does not contribute juices during digestion?
Post by: leo su on Mar 4, 2018
Which of the following organs does not contribute juices during digestion?
 a. salivary glands
  b. small intestine
  c. pancreas
  d. esophagus

Q. 2

The normal pH of the stomach is:
 a. very acidic.
  b. slightly acidic.
  c. neutral.
  d. slightly alkaline.
  e. strongly alkaline.

Q. 3

Which of the following is not a component of gastric juice?
 a. water
  b. enzymes
  c. chylomicrons
  d. hydrochloric acid

Q. 4

Saliva contains an enzyme that digests:
 a. proteins.
  b. minerals.
  c. starches.
  d. vitamins.
  e. fiber.

Q. 5

Which enzyme breaks down starch in the mouth?
 a. lingual protease
  b. lipase
  c. salivary amylase
  d. gastric protease
  e. secretin

Q. 6

 a. facilitate chemical reactions.
  b. draw water into the small intestine.
  c. are present in all parts of the GI tract.
  d. encourage bacterial growth.

Q. 7

Involuntary muscle contractions move food through the intestinal tract. The movement that forces the contents back a few inches before pushing it forward again is called:
 a. segmentation.
  b. rotation.
  c. peristalsis.
  d. liquefaction.

Q. 8

Peristalsis is a term that refers to the:
 a. circulation of blood in the blood vessels.
  b. absorption of nutrients in the intestines.
  c. mixing and moving of food through the lymphatic system.
  d. last phase of digestion.
  e. action of the involuntary muscles of the digestive tract.

Q. 9

Immediately before passing into the large intestine, the food mass must pass though the:
 a. pyloric sphincter.
  b. lower esophageal sphincter.
  c. ileocecal valve.
  d. bolus.

Title: Which of the following organs does not contribute juices during digestion?
Post by: ChristopherRen on Mar 4, 2018
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3


Answer to #4


Answer to #5


Answer to #6


Answer to #7


Answer to #8


Answer to #9


Title: Which of the following organs does not contribute juices during digestion?
Post by: leo su on Mar 4, 2018
Thank you for always stepping in by helping me with my homework