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Science-Related Homework Help Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences Topic started by: jojo13 on Mar 4, 2018

Title: A main contributing factor to dieting behaviors and disordered eating is:
Post by: jojo13 on Mar 4, 2018
A main contributing factor to dieting behaviors and disordered eating is:
 a. peer pressure.
  b. parent pressure for children to be perfect..
  c. body dissatisfaction.
  d. high self-esteem.
  e. genetics.

Q. 2

Binge-eating disorder differs from bulimia nervosa in that binge-eating disorder:
 a. does not include binges on fast or junk foods.
  b. does not involve eating large amounts of food in a short period of time.
  c. does include large amounts of fruits and vegetables during a binge episode.
  d. does not involve compensatory behaviors.
  e. involves stool softeners, not laxatives.

Q. 3

Binge-eating disorder is a condition which is indicated by the presence of three of five criteria. Which of the following would NOT be one of these criteria?
 a. Eating rapidly
  b. Eating only until full
  c. Eating when not physically hungry
  d. Eating when alone
  e. Feelings of self-disgust

Q. 4

The two categories of bulimia nervosa are:
 a. restricting and non-restricting.
  b. purging and non-purging.
  c. exercising and non-exercising.
  d. menstruating and non-menstruating.
  e. normal weight and overweight.

Q. 5

The two subtypes of anorexia nervosa are restricting and non-restricting; these subtypes are similar in that both:
 a. present with a refusal to maintain a minimally normal body weight.
  b. exhibit regular episodes of purging.
  c. affect only teenage girls.
  d. are caused by a realistic body image.
  e. follow periods of excessive dieting.

Q. 6

A teenage girl ate Christmas dinner at her step-mother's house and following a creamy dessert, announced, I am fatter than all of my classmates; I am going to stop eating for 5 days Important behaviors the step-mother should model include all of the following EXCEPT:
 a. eating well-balanced meals as part of her normal routine.
  b. showing the step-daughter love without using food.
  c. identifying strengths of the step-daughter that are not eating related.
  d. beginning a subscription to Weight Watcher's magazine for the stepdaughter.

Q. 7

Risk factors for hypertension among adolescents include all of the following EXCEPT:
 a. a high dietary intake of sodium.
  b. an inactive lifestyle.
  c. being underweight.
  d. smoking.
  e. hyperlipidemia.

Title: A main contributing factor to dieting behaviors and disordered eating is:
Post by: socob255 on Mar 4, 2018
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Title: A main contributing factor to dieting behaviors and disordered eating is:
Post by: jojo13 on Mar 4, 2018
:idea: All of these are right, thanks!