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Science-Related Homework Help Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences Topic started by: johnnybagggs on Mar 4, 2018

Title: Why are extreme thirst, hunger, frequent urination, and fatigue symptoms of ...
Post by: johnnybagggs on Mar 4, 2018
Why are extreme thirst, hunger, frequent urination, and fatigue symptoms of diabetes?

Q. 2

How many grams of protein per day should a pregnant woman add to her diet?
 a. 15 grams
  b. 20 grams
  c. 25 grams
  d. 30 grams

Q. 3

Is it likely that insulin can ever be given effectively in pill form?

Q. 4

Shelly is consuming 2400 kcalories per day to meet her energy needs now that she is pregnant. How many grams of fat should she consume to meet her recommended intake?
 a. 33-73
  b. 43-83
  c. 53-93
  d. 63-103

Q. 5

Why is type 1 diabetes considered an autoimmune disorder?

Q. 6

Which food choices would be the equivalent to the amount of protein that Shelly can remove from her diet and still meet her needs?
 a. 3-4 oz meat, fish, or poultry
  b. 6-7 oz meat, fish, or poultry
  c. 9-10 oz meat, fish, or poultry
  d. 12-13 oz meat, fish, or poultry

Q. 7

What are the similarities and differences among the various types of diabetes?

Title: Why are extreme thirst, hunger, frequent urination, and fatigue symptoms of ...
Post by: bik_e23 on Mar 4, 2018
Content hidden

Title: Why are extreme thirst, hunger, frequent urination, and fatigue symptoms of ...
Post by: johnnybagggs on Mar 4, 2018
Extremely helpful

Title: Why are extreme thirst, hunger, frequent urination, and fatigue symptoms of ...
Post by: bik_e23 on Mar 4, 2018
Cool, thanks for the positive feedback

Title: Re: Why are extreme thirst, hunger, frequent urination, and fatigue symptoms of ...
Post by: Christine Dias on Dec 31, 2019

Title: Re: Why are extreme thirst, hunger, frequent urination, and fatigue symptoms of ...
Post by: Nimra Niazi on Apr 22, 2020

Title: Re: Why are extreme thirst, hunger, frequent urination, and fatigue symptoms of ...
Post by: Tipsy Llama on Apr 22, 2020
Thank you!