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Science-Related Homework Help Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences Topic started by: B.edelen on Mar 4, 2018

Title: Diet is implicated in approximately 60 of all cancers in women and approximately 40 of the cancers ...
Post by: B.edelen on Mar 4, 2018
Diet is implicated in approximately 60 of all cancers in women and approximately 40 of the
  cancers in men.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 2

The organism responsible for causing syphilis is ________.
  A) Candida albicans B) Trichomonas vaginalis
  C) Treponema pallidum D) Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Q. 3

Having multiple affairs, anonymous sex, or one-night stands; persistently using pornography;
  and participating in phone or cybersex are indications of ________.
  A) alcoholism B) work addiction
  C) sex addiction D) gambling

Q. 4

Drugs known to cause a high degree of addiction in users include nicotine, alcohol, and
  A) cocaine B) aspirin C) NSAIDS D) endorphin

Q. 5

Cigarette smoking is responsible for over 85 of all lung cancer cases.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 6

Gonorrhea is a ________ infection that can be sexually transmitted.
  A) fungal B) bacterial C) viral D) yeast

Q. 7

All of the following sexually transmitted infections are caused by virusesexcept ________.
  A) herpes B) chlamydia C) genital warts D) hepatitis B

Title: Diet is implicated in approximately 60 of all cancers in women and approximately 40 of the cancers ...
Post by: gimblox on Mar 4, 2018
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