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Science-Related Homework Help Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences Topic started by: JCat on Mar 4, 2018

Title: What is the specific gravity of water?
Post by: JCat on Mar 4, 2018
What is the specific gravity of water?
 a. 0.25
  b. 0.5
 c. 0.75
  d. 1.0
 e. 2.0

Q. 2

What is a more common term for nephrolithiasis?
 a. kidney necrosis
 b. kidney cancer
 c. kidney stones
 d. viral kidney infection
 e. bacterial kidney infection

Q. 3

Which of the following eating disorders is more likely to be experienced by an obese patient?
 a. AN
  b. BED
  c. EDNOS
  d. BN

Q. 4

What route of fluid loss is the most variable and will accommodate changes in dietary fluid intake?
 a. feces
 b. respiration
 c. urine
 d. perspiration
  e. metabolism

Q. 5

Patients with acute kidney injury are prone to loss of what type of amino acids?
 a. leucine and isoleucine
 b. only essential amino acids
 c. only non-essential amino acids
 d. all essential and non-essential amino acids
  e. only branched-chain amino acids

Q. 6

Patient X, a female visiting you, the dietitian, for the first time, wants you to convince her doctor to prescribe diet pills because, as she says, I'm too fat. She is 63 tall and weighs 1361 . She tells you she has a history of losing and regaining 10-121 . through various fad diets. She used to exercise 2-3 times a week, but she says she does not now because she has no time between work and picking up her children from school or day care. She does not present with any medical complications at this time. What should be your recommendation in regard to her request about the diet pills?
 a. Provide her doctor with a recommendation for the diet pills.
  b. Provide her with advice and information regarding maintaining her weight.
  c. Provide her doctor with a recommendation for potential weight loss surgery.
  d. Provide her with an appropriate diet plan to assist in a 10 weight loss.

Q. 7

Precise determination of metabolic water is:
 a. calculated by using osmolarity
  b. calculated by using osmolality
  c. calculated using urine output
 d. constant from hour to hour
 e. not possible

Q. 8

Medical and nutritional management of acute kidney injury typically aim to maintain BUN (blood urea nitrogen) in the range of:
 a. 60-100 mg/dL
 b. 80-100 mg/dL
 c. 100-120 mg/dL
  d. 120-130 mg/dL
  e. 130-150 mg/dL

Title: What is the specific gravity of water?
Post by: biogenik on Mar 4, 2018
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