Title: There are three sets of standardized terminology: nutrition diagnosis, nutrition assessment, and: ... Post by: Tephy325 on Mar 4, 2018 There are three sets of standardized terminology: nutrition diagnosis, nutrition assessment, and:
a. nutrition monitoring. b. nutrition evaluation. c. nutrition analysis. d. nutrition investigation. e. nutrition intervention. Q. 2 Standardized nutrition language consists of: a. concise phrases that are organized into groups. b. broad terms that are categorized into sets. c. a list of words that are available to use in documentation. d. descriptive terms that cannot be used interchangeably. e. a chart that provides terminology to choose for documentation. Q. 3 The purpose of nutritional care is to: a. cure the underlying medical problem or disease. b. restore a state of nutritional balance. c. impact all lifestyle, environmental, and food and nutrient factors. d. increase supplementation. e. maintain a focus on important vitamins and nutrients. Q. 4 Social and cultural food preferences and practices are external influences affecting food consumption and are called: a. food and nutrient factors. b. lifestyle factors. c. biological factors. d. environmental factors. e. system factors. Q. 5 Attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors that influence an individual's food and physical activity choices are called: a. food and nutrient factors. b. lifestyle factors. c. biological factors. d. environmental factors. e. system factors. Q. 6 A nutrition diagnosis is written in terms of a client problem for which nutrition-related activities provide the primary intervention. a. True b. False Indicate whether the statement is true or false Q. 7 A nutrition assessment is a systematic process of obtaining, verifying, and interpreting data in order to make decisions about the nature and cause of nutrition-related problems. a. True b. False Indicate whether the statement is true or false Title: There are three sets of standardized terminology: nutrition diagnosis, nutrition assessment, and: ... Post by: sabiha on Mar 4, 2018 Content hidden