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Science-Related Homework Help Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences Topic started by: 12341243124 on Mar 4, 2018

Title: The series of disciplinary actions should:
Post by: 12341243124 on Mar 4, 2018
The series of disciplinary actions should:
 a. relate to problems in general.
 b. relate to specific behavioral and performance problems.
 c. be the same for unionized and non-unionized workers.
 d. be made up of less than four steps.

Q. 2

It is best to terminate an employee:
 a. when the employee is on vacation.
 b. on the day before a holiday.
 c. on Friday.
 d. in the morning.

Q. 3

Which is true regarding grounds for immediate termination?
 a. The magnitude of the wrongdoing should have little bearing on the outcome.
 b. The P and P manual must be followed strictly, with no amount of judgment from the manager.
 c. The prior work history is not relative when considering the magnitude of employee offenses.
 d. A manager may justify the behavior of a favorite employee and find fault with a less favored employee.

Q. 4

Behaviors that could lead to immediate termination include all except which of the following?
 a. Sleeping on the job.
 b. Possession of a firearm.
 c. Physical endangerment of co-workers.
 d. Working under the influence of alcohol.

Q. 5

The ultimate disciplinary action is:
 a. time off without pay.
 b. termination.
 c. discontinuation of benefits.
 d. suspension.

Q. 6

When an employee is suspended:
 a. the manager should wait until it is convenient for staffing purposes.
 b. during a busy time, it reinforces the message that the employee is dispensable.
 c. a senior colleague may handle the task for a new manager.
 d. the meeting can still be positive if handled correctly.

Q. 7

A written warning is:
 a. a formal document that must be placed in the employee's file.
 b. the last step taken prior to termination.
 c. given to an employee without further discussion of the problem.
 d. signed by the employee regardless of whether there is agreement on the matter.

Q. 8

A verbal warning may include all except which of the following?
 a. The employee is informed of possible consequences for not solving the problem.
 b. The manager and employee discuss possible solutions to the problem.
 c. The meeting is informal and not usually documented.
 d. The employee is told about the problem and given a chance to explain what happened.

Title: The series of disciplinary actions should:
Post by: sabiha on Mar 4, 2018
Content hidden

Title: The series of disciplinary actions should:
Post by: 12341243124 on Mar 4, 2018
Thanks a whole bunch, all were right.

Title: The series of disciplinary actions should:
Post by: sabiha on Mar 4, 2018
Thanks for confirming...