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Other Fields Homework Help Communication Studies Topic started by: pid on Mar 5, 2018

Title: In the Approach Continuum, which approach is aimed at children who are already exhibiting some ...
Post by: pid on Mar 5, 2018
In the Approach Continuum, which approach is aimed at children who are already exhibiting some at-risk factors:
  A. indicated approach.
  B. booster sessions approach.
  C. universal approach.
  D. selected approach.

Q. 2

Who maintained that women have lower career aspirations than men and take longer to choose a career path and that men advance faster, further and earn more pay than women?
  a. Phillips and Imhoff
 b. Wajcman
 c. Matlin
 d. Anderson and Vandehey

Q. 3

The family is the major setting for the aftermath of a student's suicide.
  A. True
  B. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 4

What facilities are offered by organizations recognizing the need to provide for child care?
  a. Discounts: Organizations arrange for a discount from national day care chains or pay a small portion of the fees
  b. Flexible benefits: Money paid to day care centers is deducted from each employee's salary; thus, it is not considered taxable income
  c. Emergency care: Companies provide temporary care when employees' regular arrangements fail
 d. All of the above

Q. 5

Which emotion does a parent not experience when a child attempts suicide?
  A. Guilt
  B. Shame
  C. Relief
  D. Anger

Q. 6

In a study of university students, who found that young women and men reared in dual-career families were highly committed to a role-sharing marriage?
  a. Goldenberg and Goldenberg
  b. Silberstein
 c. Rapoport and Rapoport
 d. Gilbert

Q. 7

There is little point in getting a suicidal teen to sign a contract promising she will not attempt suicide before seeking help.
  A. True
  B. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Title: In the Approach Continuum, which approach is aimed at children who are already exhibiting some ...
Post by: EgMneedshelp on Mar 5, 2018
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