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Biology-Related Homework Help Nursing and Clinical Topic started by: puntersrppl2 on Mar 8, 2018

Title: What can caregivers do for a dying patient who suffers from diminished vision?
Post by: puntersrppl2 on Mar 8, 2018
What can caregivers do for a dying patient who suffers from diminished vision?
  a. Keep lights bright to increase visual acuity.
  b. Stand slightly away from the bed and identify themselves before speaking.
  c. Keep all lights on in the room, day and night.
  d. Come close to the bed and stand directly in front of the patient.

Question 2

When the dying patient becomes delirious, what should the nurse encourage the family to do?
  a. Leave the room and wait outside until the delirium clears.
  b. Hold the patient's hand, but say nothing, because hearing stays intact until death.
  c. Remain near the bed and speak to the patient in loud tones to stimulate the patient.
  d. Touch the patient, call the patient by name, and speak in reassuring tones.

Question 3

A dying patient is receiving 2 mg of morphine sulfate every hour. The patient's daughter is worried about oversedation. What does the nurse explain that this small dose of morphine controls?
  a. Dyspnea
  b. Pain
  c. Hallucinations
  d. Fatigue

Question 4

What is a cardiovascular sign of impending death?
  a. Cheyne-Stokes respiration
  b. Bounding pulse
  c. Cyanosis of the extremities
  d. Increased blood pressure

Question 5

What is the objective of pain control for the dying patient?
  a. Keep the patient unconscious and relaxed to avoid the perception of pain.
  b. Delay medication until the patient reports that the pain is intense.
  c. Find a control level that reduces pain but allows the patient to interact.
  d. Eradicate pain completely.

Question 6

What is the average fluid intake necessary for safe administration of a bulk-forming laxative to a dying patient?
  a. 1000 mL
  b. 1500 mL
  c. 2000 mL
  d. 2500 mL

Question 7

What would be the most acceptable intervention for the nurse dealing with a patient with a threat of aspiration?
  a. Perform deep tracheal suctioning of the patient every hour.
  b. Place the patient in a side-lying position, with the head turned to the side.
  c. Slightly elevate the foot of the bed, with the patient in a supine position.
  d. Give the patient only thickened fluids.

Question 8

The patient with terminal liver cancer says to the nurse, I'm going to take a long time to die, aren't I? I'm going to get sicker and weaker every day. What would be the best response by the nurse?
  a. You will die in 4 to 6 months.
  b. I don't want to hear this kind of negative talk. Make use of the time you have.
  c. We have many medications that can make you feel better.
  d. What concerns you the most about dying?

Title: What can caregivers do for a dying patient who suffers from diminished vision?
Post by: _lizz on Mar 8, 2018
Answer to #1

Putting oneself directly in front of the patient, as close as possible, helps the patient with diminished vision identify the speaker.

Answer to #2

Touching, calling by name, and speaking in a calm and reassuring manner frequently cause the symptoms of delirium to abate and are beneficial to the delirious patient.

Answer to #3

Administering frequent, small doses of morphine sulfate is standard protocol to reduce end-of-life air hunger. One dose is not enough for euthanasia.

Answer to #4

As death approaches, there is vasoconstriction to the extremities to keep blood going to the heart and brain. This causes cyanosis in the extremities. Decreased blood pressure and a weak pulse are often seen in the dying person. Cheyne-Stokes respirations are changes seen in the respiratory system.

Answer to #5

Finding a level of pain control that allows the patient to participate in care and communicate with family is the goal of pain control. Analgesics given before pain becomes intense can keep pain at a moderate level. Completely eradicating pain is not realistic.

Answer to #6

To prevent a bowel obstruction from bulk-forming laxatives, the patient must have a fluid intake of at least 2000 mL a day.

Answer to #7

Side-lying is a safe position for reducing the threat of aspiration. The supine position is not appropriate for aspiration reduction. Frequent suctioning is stressful to the patient, and fluids are never attempted for an unconscious patient.

Answer to #8

Using an open-ended question but being honest about terminal illness creates an interpersonal environment for effective communication.

Title: What can caregivers do for a dying patient who suffers from diminished vision?
Post by: puntersrppl2 on Mar 8, 2018
Confirmed correct!

Title: What can caregivers do for a dying patient who suffers from diminished vision?
Post by: _lizz on Mar 8, 2018
Cool, thanks for replying back