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Other Fields Homework Help Business Topic started by: leoncios on Mar 10, 2018

Title: The impact of mobile technology and globalization on today's workplace includes the need for ...
Post by: leoncios on Mar 10, 2018
The impact of mobile technology and globalization on today's workplace includes the need for communication skills to be adapted to various cultures, workers expected to be accessible 24/7, multinational companies adjusting their products to meet cultural tastes and practices, and ________.
 A) writing skills becoming less important
  B) an increasingly blurred line between work and leisure
  C) more employees working part time
  D) less frequent communication among coworkers

Ques. 2

Which of the following guideline should you follow for effective email communication?
 A) Send to single or multiple addressees.
  B) Avoid restating the subject in the body of a message.
  C) Focus on multiple topics in a single message.
  D) Avoid using graphic highlighting.

Ques. 3

The term used to describe the overall impression you continue to build throughout your career is your professional ________.
 A) communication
  B) brand
  C) resume
  D) style

Ques. 4

Which of the following is an advantage of email communication?
 A) It reduces a company's costs.
  B) It offers a personal touch.
  C) It is safe from malicious attacks.
  D) It ensures a quick verbal response.

Ques. 5

Which of the following is the first step in solving business problems competently?
 A) Gathering the necessary people together for a face-to-face meeting
  B) Generating feasible ideas for a solution
  C) Understanding the problem clearly
  D) Determining a deadline for implementing the solution

Ques. 6

_____ is effective when sending a single message to several recipients and when needing to communicate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
 A)  Email
  B) Malware
  C) A wiki
  D) A weblog

Ques. 7

Achieving literacy in the digital age requires using multimedia applications, staying connected to people and knowledge via technology, using technology thoughtfully and professionally, and ________.
 A) ensuring that you have the latest-model phone or tablet
  B) facilitating more face-to-face meetings
  C) learning various computer programming languages
  D) thinking critically about new media

Ques. 8

Which of the following is true of email?
 A) It is costly if used for communicating with people located in different time zones.
  B) It is best suited for delivering sensitive and confidential information.
  C) It offers a personal touch to business communication.
  D) It facilitates the fast, convenient flow of information among users at various locations.

Title: The impact of mobile technology and globalization on today's workplace includes the need for ...
Post by: isoace on Mar 10, 2018
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Title: The impact of mobile technology and globalization on today's workplace includes the need for ...
Post by: leoncios on Mar 10, 2018
^^ All were right, you're seriously the best