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Humanities Political Science Topic started by: dionswife511 on Mar 11, 2018

Title: Super PACs are not permitted to
Post by: dionswife511 on Mar 11, 2018
Super PACs are not permitted to
  a. raise unlimited sums from corporations.
  b. contribute directly to parties or candidates.
   c. acquire funds from nonprofits.
  d. collect contributions from unions.

Question -2-

Why have candidates in recent years opted to forgo matching funds?
  a. To avoid spending limits
  b. To appear generous to voters
  c. To make certain ballots will be secret
  d. To minimize the importance of conventions

Question -3-

The term superdelegates is defined as delegates to a convention who
  a. have been selected by an overwhelming majority..
  b. are not bound to vote for any particular candidate..
  c. have been screened through a rigorous process..
  d. are not required to follow conventional rules of courtesy..

Question -4-

What was a disadvantage of the old-style caucuses in selecting candidates?
  a. It required elites to choose candidates with popular appeal.
   b. It prevented average voters from influencing the nominating process.
   c. It demonstrated concern for the general citizen's desires.
  d. It encouraged loyalty to the party.

Question -5-

Partisan dealignment occurs when
  a. former partisan supporters no longer automatically vote for their party's candidate.
   b. most members of a party switch to the opposing party in an election.
  c. former party members refuse to support any party candidates.
   d. a third party emerges and draws significant political support.

Question -6-

In 1968, former Alabama governor George Wallace ran as a third-party candidate on
  a. an economic platform.
  b. an immigration platform.
  c. a segregationist platform.
  d. an environmental platform.

Title: Super PACs are not permitted to
Post by: AKLINE5 on Mar 11, 2018
Content hidden

Title: Super PACs are not permitted to
Post by: dionswife511 on Mar 11, 2018
All are answered correctly

Title: Super PACs are not permitted to
Post by: AKLINE5 on Mar 11, 2018
Happy to help