Title: Which of the following philosophers contributed ideas that are consistent with socialist thinking? ... Post by: meek8152 on Mar 11, 2018 Which of the following philosophers contributed ideas that are consistent with socialist thinking?
a. Burke b. Locke c. Nietzsche d. Rousseau Question -2- Which of the following is a contradiction of capitalism, according to Marxist ideology? a. Capitalism inevitably falls where there are constitutional democracies. b. Capitalism exploits workers while simultaneously bringing them into close contact with one another. c. Capitalism makes workers in different countries compete, causing wars. d. Capitalism produces a materialistic culture, eroding the unifying impact of religion. Question -3- Why, according to Marx, was there no slavery or economic exploitation during the stage of prehistory known as primitive communism? a. Agricultural productivity was so low that each person had to consume all he or she produced, leaving nothing for anyone to exploit. b. The idea of one person owning another had not yet emerged. c. Premodern humans were, for Marx, possessed of a pure innocence. d. In premodern times, there was no scarcity of resources, and everyone had enough of the necessities of life, making exploitation unnecessary. Question -4- What does economic determinism mean? a. Economic conditions are determined by political choices. b. Economic conditions determine which candidate for public office is likely to win an election. c. Economic factors determine the nature of politics and society. d. Economic factors are determined by ideology. Question -5- Who said: It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but, on the contrary, their social existence determines their consciousness? a. Karl Marx b. Edmund Burke c. Thomas Jefferson d. Adam Smith Question -6- Which of the following statements best captures the capitalist ideologues opposition to centralized authority? a. Centralized authority wastes societys resources because it is wielded by liberal politicians. b. Centralized authority wastes societys resources because it is responsive to profit motives. c. Centralized authority wastes societys resources because it is overly driven by competitive pressure. d. Centralized authority wastes societys resources because it does not harness the competitive pressures of the market. Title: Which of the following philosophers contributed ideas that are consistent with socialist thinking? ... Post by: bbbbkiugoufiufg on Mar 11, 2018 Answer: d Answer: b Answer: a Answer: c Answer: a Answer: d Title: Which of the following philosophers contributed ideas that are consistent with socialist thinking? ... Post by: meek8152 on Mar 11, 2018 Thank you
Can you answer the others that I've posted too? :sweat: Title: Which of the following philosophers contributed ideas that are consistent with socialist thinking? ... Post by: bbbbkiugoufiufg on Mar 11, 2018 I'll take a quick look at them