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Humanities Political Science Topic started by: screwcollege223 on Mar 11, 2018

Title: The __________ has primary responsibility for foreign, military, and defense policy in the United ...
Post by: screwcollege223 on Mar 11, 2018
The __________ has primary responsibility for foreign, military, and defense policy in the United States.
  Fill in the blanks with correct word

Question -2-

How did President George W. Bush propose to reform Social Security? How have President Barack Obama's proposals differed from those of his predecessor?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question -3-

The __________ is the international organization created after World War II to promote global peace and economic development, health, education, and welfare.
  Fill in the blanks with correct word

Question -4-

What portion of the federal government is responsible for monetary policy, and how does it affect the economy?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question -5-

In the early 1970s, fuel shortages and long lines at gas stations resulted from an oil embargo imposed by __________ in response to American support of Israel in its war against Egypt.
  Fill in the blanks with correct word

Title: The __________ has primary responsibility for foreign, military, and defense policy in the United ...
Post by: mawiewamos on Mar 11, 2018
(Ans. #1)


(Ans. #2)

An ideal response will:
1, Contrast the two plans: Bush proposed diverting about a third of individuals' Social Security contributions to private retirement funds. The idea was that individuals could reduce their contribution and put that part of the money into a private account to gain more interest.
2, Unlike Bush, Obama has adamantly opposed any privatization of Social Security. Obama set up a commission to recommend changes that would secure Social Security's long-term viability. Other than the privatization proposal, however, Obama has insisted that all ideas should be on the table for the commission's consideration.
3, The commission made four recommendations to increase the soundness of Social Security for the future: (1) Gradually increase the age by which people would be entitledto benefits; (2) revise the inflation adjustment formula for benefits so that recipientswould receive less of a raise every year; (3) reduce benefits for retirees who havesubstantial income from other sources; and (4) raise the maximum contribution thatworkers pay into the system, thereby taxing wealthy Americans more.

(Ans. #3)

United Nations

(Ans. #4)

An ideal response will:
1, Identify the Federal Reserve Board as the key bureaucratic component of the monetary system.
2, Explain the key measures the Federal Reserve Board can deploy to affect the money supply, including raising or lowering interest rates and buying or selling government bonds.
3, Explain how these tools encourage or discourage growth in the economy.

(Ans. #5)

the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Title: The __________ has primary responsibility for foreign, military, and defense policy in the United ...
Post by: screwcollege223 on Mar 11, 2018
Easily the best answer :lol:

Title: The __________ has primary responsibility for foreign, military, and defense policy in the United ...
Post by: mawiewamos on Mar 11, 2018
If so, mark it solved 8-)