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Other Fields Homework Help Family Studies Topic started by: Dierdra on Mar 12, 2018

Title: Caleb and his sister, Haley, both have master's degrees. He is a high school principal and his ...
Post by: Dierdra on Mar 12, 2018
Caleb and his sister, Haley, both have master's degrees. He is a high school principal and his sister the director of a daycare center. Caleb earns twice what Haley does demonstrating the
  a) feminization of poverty.
   b) women's equality movement.
   c) right to work movement.
   d) comparative perspective.

Ques. 2

Nancy is the manager and owner of a small business in a neighborhood with many minorities. When she has a position open, she goes through the applications and tosses any with names that might be Asian or Hispanic.
  She interviews 3 people for the job and hired the White applicant. Which most accurately describes her behavior? a) Discrimination
   b) Prejudice
   c) Ethnocide
   d) Genocide

Ques. 3

Anna's husband hit her on occasion, especially when he was drunk. When her niece came to her concerned because her new husband was pushing her, Anna replied, There are just some things we put up with from men.
   Why would Anna tell her niece to accept it? a) It was a cultural norm for her.
   b) She didn't care about her niece.
   c) She was too weak to stand up for women.
   d) She did not believe in divorce.

Ques. 4

What is the relationship between race and the number of minorities in high level jobs?
  a) Minorities have less social capital and do not hear about opportunities someone with more social capital.
   b) Race does not seem to be a factor, but instead education is the barrier to high level job opportunities.
   c) Asians and black males have the biggest disadvantage in all economic markets.
   d) Hispanics experience little discrimination in the workplace and are well represented in high level jobs.

Ques. 5

George was born to Bob and Michelle and joined his three older brothers. Michelle is a teacher and Bob works in marketing. As an adult, George can be expected to be
  a) middle class.
   b) upper class.
   c) working poor.
   d) poor.

Title: Caleb and his sister, Haley, both have master's degrees. He is a high school principal and his ...
Post by: sarahdmarie on Mar 12, 2018
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3


Answer to #4


Answer to #5
