Title: When Chelsea was in second grade she learned that broccoli and spinach are both green because they ... Post by: leahtrevino on Mar 13, 2018 When Chelsea was in second grade she learned that broccoli and spinach are both green because they are plants and that plants are green because they contain chlorophyll. She did not think that her green ball contained chlorophyll because she knew it was not a plant. This is an example of meaningful learning according to which of the following theories of learning?
a. identical elements b. social constructivism c. doctrine of formal discipline d. cognitive constructivism Ques. 2 Mrs. Switzer notices that her kindergarten students are not particularly adept at accurately judging how competently they can carry out particular tasks. She would like to help them improve but is not sure what, if anything, will work. A colleague who is familiar with the research on this issue tells her that she should a. ignore the issue until the children are older and in Piaget's concrete operational stage of cognitive development b. have her students compare their performance to that of a peer who has done the task correctly. c. have her students compare their performance to that of an older student who has performed the task poorly. d. create a relatively unstructured classroom that emphasizes free play. Title: When Chelsea was in second grade she learned that broccoli and spinach are both green because they ... Post by: Michealg22 on Mar 13, 2018 Content hidden
Title: When Chelsea was in second grade she learned that broccoli and spinach are both green because they ... Post by: leahtrevino on Mar 13, 2018 :heavy_check_mark: