Title: A qualitative researcher who becomes a member of a group in order to observe the group but maintains ... Post by: vinh on Mar 13, 2018 A qualitative researcher who becomes a member of a group in order to observe the group but maintains distance from the group is called a(n)
a. participant observer. c. nonparticipant observer b. observer participant. d. complete observer. Ques. 2 Why do some scholars believe that Piaget's theory underestimates children's abilities? What will be an ideal response? Ques. 3 Naturalistic inquiry is a. a method of uncovering the physical laws of nature. b. the quantitative contribution to qualitative inquiry c. the same as naturalism. d. the study of subjects in their natural environment. Ques. 4 Piaget did not believe that instruction could accelerate the development of schemes. What does the research evidence suggest? What will be an ideal response? Ques. 5 The sampling technique sometimes used in qualitative studies but not recommended because it lacks credibility is a. convenience. c. network. b. unique case d. maximum variation. Ques. 6 Note whether Piaget believed that cognitive development was more strongly influenced by peers or adults and explain why. What will be an ideal response? Ques. 7 In a qualitative investigation, sampling that involves selecting participants who exhibit different levels of the phenomenon of interest is called a. critical case. c. intensity. b. theoretical. d. homogenous. Ques. 8 What did David Elkind mean when he characterized adolescents as egocentric? What will be an ideal response? Ques. 9 In a qualitative investigation, sampling that eliminates any extreme cases is described as a. maximum variation. c. extreme case. b. comprehensive. d. typical case. Ques. 10 What are the distinguishing characteristics of children whom Piaget would classify as formal operational thinkers? What will be an ideal response? Ques. 11 In a qualitative investigation, sampling that focuses on atypical cases is described as a. maximum variation. c. typical case. b. comprehensive. d. extreme case. Title: A qualitative researcher who becomes a member of a group in order to observe the group but maintains ... Post by: jayarleo on Mar 13, 2018 B Partly because he insisted that demanding criteria be satisfied before one could claim that particular cognitive schemes had developed and partly because his experimental tasks were complex and unfamiliar to the children he tested. D Formal instruction may hasten the development of more advanced schemes provided the child has already begun a transition to the higher stage of development. A Piaget believed that cognitive development was more strongly influenced by peers. Because children typically have about the same intellectual and social status, they are more likely to discuss issues and argue with one another. In order for one's perspective to prevail over others, their point of view has to be taken into account, thereby weakening egocentrism. Since adults are accorded a superior status, children are less likely to disagree and argue with them. C Adolescent egocentrism manifests itself in a couple of ways. First, although adolescents understand that others view the world differently from them, they maintain that their view is the correct one because it is based on logic. Thus, they don't distinguish between the world as it should be and the world as it is. Second, because they are so preoccupied with themselves and how they appear to others, they assume that other people are equally interested in how they look and what they do. D They can deal with abstractions, formulate and test hypotheses, and engage in mental manipulations. D Title: A qualitative researcher who becomes a member of a group in order to observe the group but maintains ... Post by: vinh on Mar 13, 2018 Thank you for always stepping in by helping me with my homework