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Science-Related Homework Help Developmental Psychology Topic started by: Nstilli on Mar 14, 2018

Title: Jaylen speaks an African American English dialect. In the history lesson today, he answers a ...
Post by: Nstilli on Mar 14, 2018
Jaylen speaks an African American English dialect. In the history lesson today, he answers a question by stating, They didn't have no GPS on their ships. What is the best way for his teacher to deal with Jaylen's answer?
  a. The teacher should correct Jaylen's grammar and ask him to repeat the rule about double negatives.
  b. The teacher should instruct Jaylen to speak formal English at all times in the classroom and at school.
  c. The teacher should recognize that double negatives are part of the grammatical structure of Jaylen's dialect.
  d. The teacher should provide special instruction for Jaylen and help him recognize the negative stereotype associated with his dialect.

Ques. 2

Morgandi has been helping her mother cook since she was a preschooler. In cooking, she has learned to use various measuring tools. She has doubled recipes and halved recipes using measuring cups and spoons and has learned to use fractions in this context. Her twin brother Eric is just as smart as Morgandi, but he has never used fractions. Yesterday, the teacher started the unit about fractions in math class.
  Compare the learning process for Morgandi and Eric during the unit on fractionsin math class. From a cognitive perspective, explain the differences.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 3

You are teaching sixth grade students, and you are preparing a lesson about reading informational text. Personalize the guidelines for helping students understand and remember. Tell what you will do beginning with your plan for gaining their attention. Continue with your plan for maintaining their attention, helping them connect new and previously learning, and focus on meaning.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

After the first month of school, Mr. Lennox places a suggestion box in his classroom and encourages students to drop suggestions anonymously into the box. He opens the box at the end of the week and reads a note suggesting that he stop lecturing. The student says that lectures put him or her to sleep.
  Mr. Lennox wants students to learn history. He realizes the value of the declarative knowledge he is presenting, and he wants it to hold meaning for his students.Mr. Lennox shows you the suggestion and asks for recommendations. As his colleague, you are in a position to help.
  What, besides lecturing, might Mr. Lennox do in his teaching to help students create semantic memory of historical events?
  What might Mr. Lennox do in his teaching to help students create episodic memory of historical events?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 5

Mrs. Thomas is a new fourth grade teacher. In the third week of school, she is introducing a new science unit that includes several words that will probably be new to most of the students. The unit involves extensive declarative knowledge, and Mrs. Thomas has chunked the information into small segments that her students can grasp. Now she is in the classroom and ready to begin the introduction with the students. What is the first thing she must do in order to meet her goal of helping students learn?
  a. Present visual information
  b. Present verbal information
  c. Gain students' attention
  d. Use dual coding

Ques. 6

Griffin has been cast as the lead character in the school play. He has a lot of lines to memorize and about three weeks before rehearsals begin. He plans to memorize about five pages per night, making sure he has memorized Act I by the end of the first week. What method of memorization is Griffin using?
  a. Massed practice
  b. Serial effect
  c. Distributed practice
  d. Loci method

Ques. 7

Ms. Cicardo wants her students to remember the material they are covering in language arts. They will need the information in units of study throughout the year. To support their learning, she creates diagrams on chart paper and posts them on the wall for children to see. She provides a handout with printed instruction and explains the material as students look at their handouts. What is Ms. Cicardo using to help students learn and store the information and retrieve it later?
  a. Generative learning
  b. Dual coding
  c. Elaboration
  d. Reconstruction

Ques. 8

Stefano worked at his desk preparing his presentation for English class. He finished his rough draft and sent it to the printer. His printer only printed the first page and signaled that it was out of paper. Stefano decided to make a list of what he needed to get at the store besides printer paper. Then he realized that his route to the store takes him past his girlfriend's house. He thinks about stopping for a minute, but then remembers that he borrowed a tool from her dad. He needs to return the tool. This type of memory retrieval is:
  a. spreading activation.
  b. reconstruction.
  c. a script.
  d. procedural.

Ques. 9

When Deion was in the first grade, he realized that he didn't learn math as fast as most other children. He took tests, and the psychologist informed him and his mom that Deion had a learning disability and would likely continue to struggle with math. As a third grader, Deion reads when it's time to do math seatwork. He believes he is unable to learn math. He has developed:
  a. additional learning disabilities.
  b. learned helplessness.
  c. general intelligence deficit.
  d. learning style preferences.

Ques. 10

A child listens to the sound of the letter k and watches the teacher write the letter k on the chart paper. Then the teacher tells the child to recall the character in yesterday's story who has a name that begins with the sound made by the letter k. What element or process of working memory is being used?
  a. Phonological loop
  b. Visuospatial sketchpad
  c. Automaticity
  d. Episodic buffer

Ques. 11

A teacher asks students to compare two leaders, identifying similarities and differences in their leadership styles. What type of memory do the students need to use to complete this task?
  a. Intrinsic
  b. Semantic
  c. Implicit
  d. Episodic

Ques. 12

As a seven-year-old boy, Dean likes to catch butterflies and moths. He is fascinated by the colors and patterns on their wings. Today he saw several monarchs and caught one in his net. In his mental representations of butterflies and moths, the monarch he caught today is:
  a. a concept.
  b. a defining attribute.
  c. a prototype.
  d. an exemplar.

Title: Jaylen speaks an African American English dialect. In the history lesson today, he answers a ...
Post by: Luke on Mar 14, 2018
Content hidden

Title: Jaylen speaks an African American English dialect. In the history lesson today, he answers a ...
Post by: Nstilli on Mar 14, 2018
What an excellent community, thanks for answering

Title: Re: Jaylen speaks an African American English dialect. In the history lesson today, he answers a ...
Post by: Betsy on Sep 24, 2018