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Other Fields Homework Help Education Studies Topic started by: Carlina864 on Mar 14, 2018

Title: A prescribed art curriculum: (Multiple Choice)
Post by: Carlina864 on Mar 14, 2018
A prescribed art curriculum:
  a. takes less time than adapting the curriculum.
  b. is an adult-directed model.
  c. is easier to use.
  d. all of the above.

Question 2

By the time a child is in 4th grade:
  a. friendships have become less intense.
  b. peer group participation has become less important.
  c. rather strong friendships are developing.
  d. parents have become even more important than ever.

Question 3

A room for older children and art activities needs:
  a. to be smaller than that for younger children.
  b. equipment to fit all sizes of children.
  c. less planning than a room for younger children.
  d. none of the above.

Question 4

A teacher can encourage self-acceptance by accepting children at their present level and providing:
  a. age-appropriate art materials.
  b. a structured curriculum.
  c. sufficient art materials.
  d. structured materials.

Question 5

A climate of psychological safety is essential:
  a. to a childs selfacceptance.
  b. to a childs physical wellbeing.
  c. primarily in the early years.
  d. in infancy.

Question 6

For middle and upper elementary students, the importance of a good self-concept is:
  a. overstated.
  b. equally as important as for younger children.
  c. the responsibility of the student himself or herself.
  d. none of the above.

Title: A prescribed art curriculum: (Multiple Choice)
Post by: shelberszinsker on Mar 14, 2018
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