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Other Fields Homework Help Education Studies Topic started by: gangulo on Mar 15, 2018

Title: Teachers of young children have nothing in common with teachers of elementary and high school ...
Post by: gangulo on Mar 15, 2018
Teachers of young children have nothing in common with teachers of elementary and high school students.
  a. True
  b. False

Question 2

In the Connect the Dots: How Neuroscience Supports Theory and Developmentally Appropriate Practices, DAP is linked with various learning theories. In what three areas does theory knowledge specifically guide the implementation of DAP?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Respond in a paragraph to each of these basic conditions for learning. Include in your answer how you would address them.
  Learning must be real.
  Learning must be rewarding.
  Learning must build on childrens lives.
  Learning needs a good stage.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

Describe each of the three structures of Freudian personality. Do you think these three parts describe the complete personality?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

Piagets theory has been called both maturational and environmental; that is, both nature and nurture are at work. Why? Give an example of each from your own experiences with children.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

List three behaviorists and write a sentence about their most important contributions to the study of behavior.
  What will be an ideal response?

Title: Teachers of young children have nothing in common with teachers of elementary and high school ...
Post by: Mtnimp on Mar 15, 2018
Ans. to #1


Ans. to #2


  • Theories serve as a guide for assessing the developmental levels of children.

  • Theory provides direction for program structure.

  • Theories can serve as a bridge between different cultural views of education.

Ans. to #3

Four conditions for learning and supporting descriptions are:
Learning must be real: Teach about bodies, families, and neighborhoods. Use concrete materials instead of pictures, for example.
Learning must be rewarding: Include time to try, make mistakes, improve, and encourage improvement by providing atmosphere of acceptance and of giving feedback.
Learning must build on childrens lives: Connect the program to the home. Involve families and the childrens individual cultures in the school setting, help the family be welcome, understand, and support the school.
Learning needs a good stage: Care for childrens health, emotional and mental, as well as physical; arrange the environment carefully; plan a sequential schedule with flexibility; interact with children and adults respectfully and clearly.

Ans. to #4

Three structures of the Freudian personality are:

id: instinctive part that drives a person to seek satisfaction

ego: rational structure that forms a persons sense of self

superego: moral side that informs the person of right and wrong

Ans. to #5

Piagets theory is both maturational and environmental:

maturational: sequence of cognitive stages governed by heredity

environmental: the experiences a child has directly influences development
Examples of each side of nature/nurture controversy:

nature/maturational: any innate, genetic, or biologic factors, such as eye color, etc.

nurture/environmental: any learned experience such as home/family, school, media, peers, toys, etc.

Ans. to #6

Behaviorists and their contributions are:

Watson: ideas of conditioning into human terms, process of classical conditioning, scientific validation for setting conditions of learning and rewarding the proper responses

Thorndike: godfather of standardized testing, scales to measure student achievement, stimulus-response technique for establishing behavior and habits

Bloom: educational objectives, classification scheme (taxonomy) to describe pupil behaviors and educational outcomes in cognitive domains

Skinner: radical behaviorist, doctrine of person as empty organism (vessel) to be filled with carefully designed experiences

Bandura: social learning theory, idea of learning by watching (observing) and imitating (modeling) others both in real life and media

Title: Teachers of young children have nothing in common with teachers of elementary and high school ...
Post by: gangulo on Mar 15, 2018
The fact that I can't marry you for this saddens me.

Title: Teachers of young children have nothing in common with teachers of elementary and high school ...
Post by: Mtnimp on Mar 15, 2018
Let's keep this professional  :monkey: