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Humanities Political Science Topic started by: kkoonge on Mar 16, 2018

Title: Which of the following statements best describes British political culture?
Post by: kkoonge on Mar 16, 2018
Which of the following statements best describes British political culture?
  a. The British are deeply divided over religion.
  b. Almost all the British respect the democratic rules of the game.
  c. Most British people favor abolishing the monarchy.
  d. There is strong support for writing a new constitution.
  e. Individuals actively resist powerful leadership.

 Q. 2

Which of the following was a nickname given to Margaret Thatcher?
  a. The iron lady
  b. Queen Margaret
  c. Cleopatra
  d. Old Blue Eyes
  e. Chief Dalek

 Q. 3

Who succeeded Margaret Thatcher as prime minister?
  a. Tony Blair
  b. David Cameron
  c. John Major
  d. Nick Clegg
  e. Gordon Brown

 Q. 4

The term loony left was used to describe Labour in the 1980s because
  a. so many of its leaders had received psychological treatment.
  b. it supported the provision of psychiatric care for free.
  c. its policies were so radical.
  d. its campaigns we so inept that it seemed to be committing electoral suicide.
  e. it was out of power.

 Q. 5

Margaret Thatcher was part of a generation of conservative politicians that
  a. supported the welfare state.
  b. wanted Britain to become part of a United States of Europe.
  c. advocated a more progressive income tax.
  d. believed the market should play a dominant role in economic policy.
  e. resisted increases in military spending.

 Q. 6

The party that was in power the longest in the twentieth century was the
  a. Conservative party.
  b. Labour party.
  c. Liberal Democratic party.
  d. Nationalist party.
  e. Christian Democratic party.

Title: Which of the following statements best describes British political culture?
Post by: qcc2580 on Mar 16, 2018
Ans. to #1


Ans. to #2


Ans. to #3


Ans. to #4


Ans. to #5


Ans. to #6


Title: Which of the following statements best describes British political culture?
Post by: kkoonge on Mar 16, 2018
I sincerely appreciate your time, great answers!

Title: Which of the following statements best describes British political culture?
Post by: qcc2580 on Mar 16, 2018
Thank you for commenting back, let us know if you need anything else pertaining to this...