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Humanities Political Science Topic started by: xr on Mar 16, 2018

Title: Creative federalism was a term used to describe the
Post by: xr on Mar 16, 2018
Creative federalism was a term used to describe the
  a. efforts of Reagan to turn programs back to the states.
  b. social welfare programs of Roosevelt.
  c. social justice programs of Kennedy.
  d. Great Society programs of Johnson.

 Q. 2

Dual federalism is a term used to describe a circumstance in which
  a. national and state governments are sovereign and equal within their constitutionally allocated spheres ofauthority.
 b. the state governments, having called the original Constitutional Convention, may agree to nullify federal acts.
  c. many new grants-in-aid are made.
  d. the linkages and joint arrangements among the three levels of government are stressed.

 Q. 3

The Real ID Act of 2005, which imposed national requirements on how states must validate personal identification when issuing driver's licenses, and the ensuing state opposition to the more strenuous requirements for obtaining a driver's license, is an example of the politics surrounding
  a. federal pre-emption.
  b. creative federalism.
  c. grant-in-aid.
  d. intrastate compacts.

 Q. 4

Real financial power moved from the states to the national government by virtue of
  a. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), which gave the federal government the power to establish a bank.
  b. Baker v. Carr (1962), which established the Federal Reserve System.
  c. Brown v. Rhode Island (1820), which allowed the United States to establish a national bank modeled afterthe Bank of England.
 d. the Sixteenth Amendment, which gave Congress power to tax personal and corporate incomes.

 Q. 5

The Marshall Court's ruling in Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) involved
  a. intrastate commerce.
  b. interstate commerce.
  c. the right of the federal government to renew the charter for the national bank.
  d. Congress's right to levy an income tax.

 Q. 6

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) enhanced the power of the national government by stating
  a. that the federal government could not establish a national bank.
  b. Maryland's right to tax the national bank located in that state.
  c. that Congress had the right to lend money through the Second National Bank of the United States.
  d. that the Constitution contained implied, as well as enumerated, powers.

Title: Creative federalism was a term used to describe the
Post by: Belly313 on Mar 16, 2018
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Ans. to #6


Title: Creative federalism was a term used to describe the
Post by: xr on Mar 16, 2018
Thank you for being such a great website leader! All of your answers were right.