Title: Set the table stops to have an overrun at each end of the workpiece. The amount of overrun where ... Post by: Najmnour on Mar 17, 2018 Set the table stops to have an overrun at each end of the workpiece. The amount of overrun where possible is:
A) One-third of the wheel width B) At least an inch C) One-half of the wheel width D) Two-thirds of the wheel width Q. 2 In center-type cylindrical grinding, done on dead centers: A) The headstock end of the workpiece must always be lubricated B) The footstock end of the workpiece must always be lubricated C) Both ends of the workpiece must always be lubricated D) Sometimes neither end needs to be lubricated Q. 3 If a part has a taper of .010 in./ft. , the difference between two dial indicator readings 12 inches apart would be ________ inch. A) .005 in. B) .1125 inn. C) .101 in. D) .001 in. Title: Set the table stops to have an overrun at each end of the workpiece. The amount of overrun where ... Post by: Ello_kara on Mar 17, 2018 B C A Title: Set the table stops to have an overrun at each end of the workpiece. The amount of overrun where ... Post by: Najmnour on Mar 17, 2018 These are correct! Thank you very much!!!