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Science-Related Homework Help Developmental Psychology Topic started by: roltschj on Mar 17, 2018

Title: Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson are best known for their contributions to ______ theory. cognitive ...
Post by: roltschj on Mar 17, 2018
Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson are best known for their contributions to ______ theory.

Question 2

Garland chews gum constantly. He gets anxious when he runs out of it. Freud would
  He is overconcerned with having fresh breath for social situations.
  He is harboring an unresolved conflict from the oral stage of development.
  He has learned that chewing gum may reduce the development of dental
  He is imitating his father, who also chewed gum.

Question 3

According to Freud, individuals' lifelong patterns of behavior are determined by:
  how they were punished and reinforced for particular behaviors.
  their attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions.
  how they experience and resolve psychosexual conflicts.
  the behaviors modeled by their parents.

Question 4

According to Freud, each stage of development involves:
  potential conflicts.
  inappropriate sexual urges.
  a major developmental crisis.
  need for cultural adaptation.

Question 5

Which of the following is most consistent with Freudian theory?
  Parents should wean infants from the breast or bottle as soon as possible.
  How conflicts over weaning, toilet training, and sexual curiosity are resolved
  determine an individual's personality.
  Individuals who smoke cigarettes probably had trouble learning how to toilet
  People's relationships to their family and culture are more important in
  determining development than are their sexual urges.

Question 6

Katie's 9-month-old son Jason sucks and chews on just about everything he findstoys, books, fingers, and so forth. According to psychoanalytic theory, Jason is in the
  oral stage.
  sensorimotor stage.
  attachment stage.
  anal stage.

Question 7

Joseph always dates women who are at least ten years older than he is. Which of the following might Freud propose as an explanation for Joseph's attraction to older women?
  Joseph has developed an oral fixation.
  Joseph's parents probably did not apply appropriate potty training.
  As a child, Joseph had an unhealthy relationship with his siblings.
  Joseph is stuck in the phallic stage of development.

Title: Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson are best known for their contributions to ______ theory. cognitive ...
Post by: tcshepherd13 on Mar 17, 2018
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Title: Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson are best known for their contributions to ______ theory. cognitive ...
Post by: roltschj on Mar 17, 2018
I sincerely appreciate your time, great answers!

Title: Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson are best known for their contributions to ______ theory. cognitive ...
Post by: tcshepherd13 on Mar 17, 2018
Thank you for commenting back, let us know if you need anything else pertaining to this...