Title: According to William Julius Wilson's 1978 book The Declining Significance of Race (cited in Oliver ... Post by: pch123 on Mar 21, 2018 According to William Julius Wilson's 1978 book The Declining Significance of Race (cited in Oliver and Shapiro's article), the economic chances of blacks are most influenced by
a. race. b. discrimination and racism. c. geographical region. d. skills and education. Question 2 Competition is the mechanism that keeps individual profit seeking in check under pure capitalism. a. true b. false Question 3 Laissez-faire, which is a government policy that allows the marketplace to operate unhindered with a minimum of government interference, must be present for true capitalism. a. true b. false Question 4 The poorest country by measure of per capita GNP in the world is: a. Sudan b. Ethiopia c. Ivory Coast d. Zaire e. none of the above Question 5 Private ownership of the means of production is a necessary condition for socialism to exist. a. true b. false Title: According to William Julius Wilson's 1978 book The Declining Significance of Race (cited in Oliver ... Post by: blvan on Mar 21, 2018 Content hidden
Title: According to William Julius Wilson's 1978 book The Declining Significance of Race (cited in Oliver ... Post by: pch123 on Mar 21, 2018 :arrow_up: Correct again