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Other Fields Homework Help Economics Topic started by: rsbains on Apr 27, 2019

Title: A firm's isocost line shifts parallel inward from the original isocost line as its
Post by: rsbains on Apr 27, 2019

Question 1.

A firm's isocost line shifts parallel outward from the original isocost line as its

▸ total cost for capital and labor increases.

▸ total cost for capital and labor decreases.

▸ total cost for capital increases and its total cost for labor decreases.

▸ total cost for capital decreases and its total cost for labor increases.

Question 2.

A firm's isocost line shifts parallel inward from the original isocost line as its

▸ total cost for capital and labor increases.

▸ total cost for capital and labor decreases.

▸ total cost for capital increases and its total cost for labor decreases.

▸ total cost for capital decreases and its total cost for labor increases.

Title: A firm's isocost line shifts parallel inward from the original isocost line as its
Post by: Va97001 on Apr 27, 2019
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Title: A firm's isocost line shifts parallel inward from the original isocost line as its
Post by: rsbains on Apr 27, 2019
Thank you for answering so quickly