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Biology-Related Homework Help General Biology Topic started by: Loveth Omini on Jul 23, 2020

Title: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent heat
Post by: Loveth Omini on Jul 23, 2020
 Place your response to this activity below. You will be marked according to your explanation of the body’s response to the two given situations. You must include references to vasoconstriction, vasodilation, countercurrent heat exchange, and peripheral heat loss.

Thermoregulation is the term used when biological systems attempt to maintain temperature. After watching the previous animations and reading the textbook, prepare a summary table. Outline the body’s thermoregulatory response to

•   an increase in internal temperature due to exertion
•   a colder external temperature than body temperature

Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent heat exchange are involved in each circumstance.

    Increased temperature (body)  due to exertion   T (body) > T (environment)
Peripheral heat loss      
Countercurrent exchange

Title: Re: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent ...
Post by: grier on Jul 23, 2020
Hi Loveth Omini (;u=920402)

Here's what I found

Title: Re: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent ...
Post by: chickennoodleso on Jun 6, 2021 :)

Title: Re: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent ...
Post by: schim on Jun 10, 2021
thank you

Title: Re: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent ...
Post by: daby echefu on Jun 15, 2021
thank you

Title: Re: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent ...
Post by: aleena sehar on Jul 18, 2021
thank you

Title: Re: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent ...
Post by: MandemEBG on Jul 22, 2021
Thank you

Title: Re: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent ...
Post by: T1MPI1 on Jul 22, 2021
thank you

Title: Re: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent ...
Post by: Victoria Nikolova on Dec 20, 2021
thank you

Title: Re: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent ...
Post by: Semantha Lorez on Jul 28, 2022
Peripheral heat loss is regulated by controlling blood flow to specific regions of the body surface, which alters surface temperature

Vasoconstriction is the shrinking of blood vessels and vasodilation is the expansion of blood vessels so the skin can alter an organism's exchange of heat with the environment.

Countercurrent heat exchanger is an arrangement of blood vessels in which heat flows from warmer to cooler blood, usually reducing heat loss.

Title: BFSF: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent heat
Post by: J T3 on Jul 25, 2023
Thank you so much

Title: BFSF: Explain how peripheral heat loss, selective vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and countercurrent heat
Post by: Mariam Jaferi on Jul 25, 2023
TY :)