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Biology-Related Homework Help Nursing and Clinical Topic started by: yusuki on Dec 27, 2014

Title: A burn area in which the epidermis and part of the dermis is destroyed is classi
Post by: yusuki on Dec 27, 2014
A burn area in which the epidermis and part of the dermis is destroyed is classified as:
a.   full-thickness
b.   deep partial-thickness
c.   superficial partial-thickness
d.   first-degree

Title: Re: A burn area in which the epidermis and part of the dermis is destroyed is classi
Post by: monosaccharide on Jan 6, 2015
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Title: Re: A burn area in which the epidermis and part of the dermis is destroyed is classi
Post by: yusuki on Jan 7, 2015
I was really having a hard time with this question, thanks for the input.

Title: Re: A burn area in which the epidermis and part of the dermis is destroyed is classi
Post by: monosaccharide on Jan 7, 2015
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