Title: The city of Pura has decided to levy a tax on alcoholic beverages. Before the tax 155 alcoholic ... Post by: afrah on Nov 14, 2022 The city of Pura has decided to levy a tax on alcoholic beverages. Before the tax 155 alcoholic beverages were consumed and after the tax 124 alcoholic beverages were consumed. The price of alcoholic beverages before the tax was $4.90 and the tax rate is 40.00 percent. If consumers fully bear the burden of the tax, what is the excess burden of the tax as a percentage of tax revenues?
Please round your final answer to two decimal places. ▸ 12.50% ▸ 10.00% ▸ 40.00% ▸ 25.00% Title: The city of Pura has decided to levy a tax on alcoholic beverages. Before the tax 155 alcoholic ... Post by: melryandion on Nov 14, 2022 Content hidden