Title: In conversation with a Korean businessperson who speaks English fairly well, Meaghan discovers that ... Post by: vlademirsimon on Aug 26, 2024 In conversation with a Korean businessperson who speaks English fairly well, Meaghan discovers that much of what she has just said was not understood. As she continues the conversation, which of the following should Meaghan do? ▸ She should speak more slowly and loudly. ▸ She should discontinue the conversation until an interpreter can be found. ▸ She should keep a stern, unsmiling face to show she's serious about the conversation. ▸ She should accept blame for the misunderstanding and use simpler language. Title: Re: In conversation with a Korean businessperson who speaks English fairly well, Meaghan discovers that ... Post by: eggr0ll on Aug 26, 2024 Content hidden