Title: Jada suspects an error in a customer's order as it is for double the usual amount. The customer ... Post by: katieleex0x on Sep 2, 2024 Jada suspects an error in a customer's order as it is for double the usual amount. The customer expects the order to be filled right away. Which of the following should Jada do? ▸ Jada should write a letter to confirm the order amount. ▸ Jada should send an e-mail to confirm the order amount. ▸ Jada should call the customer to confirm the order amount. ▸ Jada should send a memo to confirm the order amount. Title: Re: Jada suspects an error in a customer's order as it is for double the usual amount. The customer ... Post by: xoxoitaliangurl on Sep 2, 2024 Content hidden