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Discussion News Articles and Discussion Topic started by: nini07 on Apr 2, 2011

Title: CPK
Post by: nini07 on Apr 2, 2011
Anyone know whats going on with CPK in California? All I know its like MRSA but it is resistant to all antibiotics they have tried!

Title: Re: CPK
Post by: biolove on Apr 2, 2011
I know MRSA is a *****, but I haven't heard anything about CPK, where abouts did you hear this?

Title: Re: CPK
Post by: nini07 on Apr 2, 2011
on the news: I will upload the link in a bit

Title: Re: CPK
Post by: nini07 on Apr 2, 2011
An antibiotic-resistant superbug once thought to be rare is spreading through health-care facilities in Southern California, health officials say.

"These patients tend to be elderly, they are commonly on ventilators and they often stay at the facility for an extended period of time," Dr. Dawn Terashita, medical epidemiologist and lead author of the study, said in a statement.

CRKP joins other superbugs such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, in a league of bacteria that outwits typical antibiotics.

"We develop new drugs to defeat the infections and germs change to get around those drugs and this is one of those cases," Dr. Richard Besser, ABC News chief health and medical editor, said today in an interview on ABC News' "Good Morning America."

Besser is a former acting director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

"It's like an arms race and in many ways the germs are winning," he said.

CRKP is not new to California, or the rest of the country for that matter. The CDC has been tracking it across 35 states since 2009. It is young, however, compared to MRSA, according to Dr. Arjun Srinivasan, associate director of the CDC's health care-associated, infection-prevention programs.

"But in terms of mortality and morbidity, it's very, very serious," Srinivasan said. "These infections are more difficult to treat than MRSA."

CRKP is an enterobacterium like salmonella and E. coli.

It is unclear how many cases of the 350 reported by Terashita and colleagues were fatal. It is also unclear whether the infections stemmed from improper care at long term-care facilities or the frailty of the patients they serve. But Terashita said infected patients tended to have health problems that often resulted in antibiotic use, which might have made them more susceptible.

"All of these factors contribute to a greater risk for health care-acquired infections," she said.

Besser said, "This superbug is very dangerous. It tends to affect people that are in the hospital for long periods of time; people that have underlying medical problems; people who have been in nursing homes."

Although healthy people in the general public are not at risk for infection, they could transmit the bacteria to sick loved ones.

"As a loved one of someone that is in the hospital, you have to be vigilant when you're sitting there with your relative and anyone comes in and wants to touch your relative without washing their hands," Besser said. "You have to say something. ... It does come down to simple things like that, making sure no one is giving a germ to someone you care about."

Health-care workers should be equally vigilant, Besser said.

"A lot of it comes down to hospitals," he said. "They need to make sure that health-care workers aren't spreading it from patient to patient. That's mainly what takes place.

Preventing the spread of CRKP is key because the infections are so difficult to treat, the CDC's Srinivasan said. The "mainstay treatment," colistin, is an older generation antibiotic with toxic side effects. And newer, more effective treatment options are unlikely to be developed any time soon

Title: Re: CPK
Post by: bio_man on Apr 2, 2011
I've written about this pathogen before: (

I think proper hand-washing really helps reduce the spread.

Title: Re: CPK
Post by: nini07 on Apr 2, 2011 (

Title: Re: CPK
Post by: nini07 on Apr 2, 2011
I've written about this pathogen before: (

I think proper hand-washing really helps reduce the spread.
which here in the U.S hand washing doesnt always get done. Hospitals are using that foam instead of handwashing between patients.

Title: Re: CPK
Post by: bio_man on Apr 2, 2011
which here in the U.S hand washing doesnt always get done. Hospitals are using that foam instead of handwashing between patients.

And that's exactly where the problem is arising. Every time we use foam or sanitizer, we are artificially selecting for bacteria that can withstand the antiseptic.