Title: The client is admitted to the inpatient substance abuse unit. She tells the nurse she has been buyin Post by: BreakFree on Feb 7, 2015 The client is admitted to the inpatient substance abuse unit. She tells the nurse she has been buying "yellow jackets" (pentobarbital, or Nembutal) on the street, but has not had any for a few days. Which plan, by the nurse, is the most appropriate at this time?
1. Prepare to do frequent room searches, as the client's friends will most likely bring drugs in for her. 2. Prepare to manage the depression and suicidal thoughts the client will have. 3. Prepare to manage a withdrawal that will likely be minimal. 4. Prepare to manage a withdrawal that could be life threatening. Title: Re: The client is admitted to the inpatient substance abuse unit. She tells the nurse she has been b Post by: ngin on Feb 13, 2015 Content hidden
Title: Re: The client is admitted to the inpatient substance abuse unit. She tells the nurse she has been buyin Post by: BreakFree on Feb 15, 2015 Wow! Thanks, for the rationale and reasoning, makes total sense.
Title: Re: The client is admitted to the inpatient substance abuse unit. She tells the nurse she has been buyin Post by: ngin on Feb 16, 2015 Glad to help, definitely don't give up, they're easy once you get a hang of it.