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Science-Related Homework Help Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences Topic started by: LiamJ on Feb 12, 2015

Title: When the cells of the body don't get the glucose they need, ________ are used as fuel instead.
Post by: LiamJ on Feb 12, 2015
When the cells of the body don't get the glucose they need, ________ are used as fuel instead.
A) fat and proteins
B) acids and proteins
C) fats and carbohydrates
D) acids and carbohydrates

Title: Re: When the cells of the body don't get the glucose they need, ________ are used as fuel instead.
Post by: fruitloops on Feb 24, 2015
Content hidden

Title: Re: When the cells of the body don't get the glucose they need, ________ are used as fuel instead.
Post by: LiamJ on Feb 28, 2015
Wonderful work, thank you, again.

Title: Re: When the cells of the body don't get the glucose they need, ________ are used as fuel instead.
Post by: fruitloops on Feb 28, 2015
Research pays off, happy to help