Title: Sometimes, respondents engage in active deception to keep the researcher from forming a negative ima Post by: Bisla on Mar 7, 2015 Sometimes, respondents engage in active deception to keep the researcher from forming a negative image of the respondent. This behavior is called
a. self-deception positivity. b. impression management. c. acquiescence. d. satisficing. Title: Re: Sometimes, respondents engage in active deception to keep the researcher from forming a negative Post by: sulmaeater on Mar 9, 2015 Content hidden
Title: Re: Sometimes, respondents engage in active deception to keep the researcher from forming a negative ima Post by: Bisla on Mar 14, 2015 I doubled checked your answer with my study group, thank you for taking the time to help out.
Title: Re: Sometimes, respondents engage in active deception to keep the researcher from forming a negative ima Post by: sulmaeater on Mar 14, 2015 My pleasure.