Title: checkmark the ones that are characteristics of Modern Liberalism Post by: biochicka on Mar 19, 2015 Below is a list of characteristics of Modern Liberalism. Please put a checkmark beside the ones that are characteristics of Modern Liberalism
A) -more equality B) -workers have rights and are treated better C) -can have a free market but the gov’t will intervene so there are fewer radical ups and downs in the Business Cycle D) -believes in laissez-faire Title: Re: checkmark the ones that are characteristics of Modern Liberalism Post by: bio_man on Mar 19, 2015 According to modern liberalism, the chief task of government is to remove obstacles (i.e. through social support) that prevent individuals from living freely or from fully realizing their potential. Such obstacles include poverty, disease, discrimination, and ignorance.
Could be A and B. |