Title: Can anyone draw links between structures within the body and those without? Post by: tlipman on May 10, 2015 Sorry if this question is too broad or off topic, though I thought that I needed specific scientific knowledge for the answer.
Are there any natural/man made structures, functions/processes that one could relate to those of the human body (almost like an analogy)? Ie. a membrane or exocytosis etc. etc. Title: Re: Can anyone draw links between structures within the body and those without? Post by: MouthoftheBeast on May 11, 2015 Structure of a building - bones
Computer - Brain Laundry Service - Liver Dryer - Kind of like the kidneys (?) This is harder than I thought! Title: Re: Can anyone draw links between structures within the body and those without? Post by: savio on May 14, 2015 Dryer - your skin producing sweat, which then allows your body to cool down (maybe?)