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Biology-Related Homework Help Genetics and Developmental Biology Topic started by: pisker on May 16, 2015

Title: Program to find Intron and Exon Locations on sequenced DNA
Post by: pisker on May 16, 2015
Hello, I'm new here so sorry if this is not the appropriate way to ask, but for a school project, we recently sequenced DNA that codes for the production of an enzyme in a plant that has not had this specific gene sequenced yet. What I need is help to find the locations of the introns and the exons. Is there a program that I can use to do this? Thanks!

Title: Re: Program to find Intron and Exon Locations on sequenced DNA
Post by: bio_man on May 16, 2015
This is being done at the high school level?

Have you been told the chromosome position or what the gene is?

Title: Re: Program to find Intron and Exon Locations on sequenced DNA
Post by: pisker on May 16, 2015
Yes it is.

The gene is GAPDH, but I am unsure of the chromosomal position.

Title: Re: Program to find Intron and Exon Locations on sequenced DNA
Post by: bio_man on May 16, 2015
You can get the entire gene sequence or the mRNA sequence from NCBI. NCBI also has exon and intron information but may be a little confusing. You can paste the mRNA sequence (if you happen to have it) in the program called BLAT ( on UCSC genome browser.

Have you tried that?

Title: Re: Program to find Intron and Exon Locations on sequenced DNA
Post by: pisker on May 16, 2015
Hmm... Every site seems to be giving me slightly different results... I'm not sure what I'm doing incorrectly...