Biology Forums - Study Force

Discussion Off-Topic Room Topic started by: BearPro on Jul 29, 2012

Title: some code for sharing website to facebook,google plus,twitter, and pinterest
Post by: BearPro on Jul 29, 2012
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
<table bgcolor="" border="0" bordercolor="" style="width: 600px;">
<td><iframe allowtransparency="true" src="//;send=false&amp;layout=button_count&amp;width=450&amp;show_faces=false&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font&amp;height=21" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="border: none; height: 21px; overflow: hidden; width: 100px;"></iframe> </td>
<td><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<td><a class="twitter-share-button" data-url="" href="">Tweet</a>
!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");
</script> </td>
<a href="" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="horizontal"><img border="0" src="//" title="Pin It" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

it was just that I was looking to align the sharing buttons horizontally, and so I came up with the idea of putting them in a table so that I dont have to mess up with the positioning of them
it is single row table with four columns
not very fancy stuff ,but saved me the trouble of aligning them in a straight line horizontally
it works
can see it here

thought I could share the code, if there might be future plans of this forum to incorporate other social sharing buttons too,
if post irrelevant, kindly delete it

Title: Re: some code for sharing website to facebook,google plus,twitter, and pinterest
Post by: bio_man on Jul 30, 2012
Not irrelevant at all! I like these types of threads. It's best not to use tables nowadays, as it adds a lot of clutter to the HTML. I do like the idea, but I think it should be incorporated into the actual thread, rather than the main homepage. You could, on the other hand, having a sliding social sharing widget. They look cool and don't take up much space.

Another thing, if you ever want to share html code, wrap the content around
[code] Content Here [ /code]

It's a secret BBCode here on Biology-Forums.[/code]

Title: Re: some code for sharing website to facebook,google plus,twitter, and pinterest
Post by: bio_man on Jul 30, 2012
I'd also say drop the S on MATHS. ;)

Title: Re: some code for sharing website to facebook,google plus,twitter, and pinterest
Post by: BearPro on Jul 30, 2012
Not irrelevant at all! I like these types of threads. It's best not to use tables nowadays, as it adds a lot of clutter to the HTML. I do like the idea, but I think it should be incorporated into the actual thread, rather than the main homepage. You could, on the other hand, having a sliding social sharing widget. They look cool and don't take up much space.

Another thing, if you ever want to share html code, wrap the content around
[code] Content Here [ /code]

It's a secret BBCode here on Biology-Forums.[/code]

was looking for code writing button while writing that post, but couldn't find it, thats why put it in box
for individual threads, there are plugins, will look into them.

tables add lots of clutter to html? means? i was planning to use tables for aligning footers and headers too. is that some sort of drawback?

I'd also say drop the S on MATHS. ;)

Title: Re: some code for sharing website to facebook,google plus,twitter, and pinterest
Post by: bio_man on Jul 30, 2012
Content hidden