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Science-Related Homework Help Developmental Psychology Topic started by: Yummi on May 30, 2015

Title: The teacher expectancy effect can be viewed as a special case of a broader concept known as the ____
Post by: Yummi on May 30, 2015
The teacher expectancy effect can be viewed as a special case of a broader concept known as the ___________ prophecy, in which a person’s expectation is capable of bringing about an outcome. For instance, physicians have long known that providing patients with placebos (pills with no active ingredients) can sometimes “cure” them simply because the patients expect the medicine to work.
a.   false   c.  self-fulfilling
b.   filling   d.  decoy

Title: Re: The teacher expectancy effect can be viewed as a special case of a broader concept known as the
Post by: LeeWilliams on Jun 5, 2015
Content hidden

Title: Re: The teacher expectancy effect can be viewed as a special case of a broader concept known as the ____
Post by: Yummi on Jun 11, 2015
Perfect answer :D

Title: Re: The teacher expectancy effect can be viewed as a special case of a broader concept known as the ____
Post by: LeeWilliams on Jun 11, 2015
This one isn't as straight-forward as it seems! Happy to help :)

Title: Re: The teacher expectancy effect can be viewed as a special case of a broader concept known as the ...
Post by: Annaclaire Johns on Nov 16, 2020
Thank you