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Guidance Career Guidance Topic started by: fireman on Apr 3, 2012

Title: I would luv to go to university to get a bsc in chemistry. What jobs can u pursue with that degree?
Post by: fireman on Apr 3, 2012
I would luv to go to university to get a bsc in chemistry. What jobs can u pursue with that degree?

Title: I would luv to go to university to get a bsc in chemistry. What jobs can u pursue with that degree?
Post by: toku on Apr 3, 2012
Absolutely loads.

Mainly based around research and chemical applications. Chemistry is so important in the modern world that there will always be employers looking for skilled Chemistry graduates.

Title: I would luv to go to university to get a bsc in chemistry. What jobs can u pursue with that degree?
Post by: ashya29 on Apr 3, 2012
Alone? or with more school?

Im more knowlegeable with more school.You can do your masters in Education and teach high school. Further on to PhD and teach university. You might be able to find jobs at labs working in a chemistry related field.

Some people use it to get into medical, dental, optometry, OR pharmacy school. I know several who used it for pharmacy school.

My roomate is a Pre-physical therapy/Chemistry major and she wants to become a Physical Therapist.

Options are pretty endless today. you can take one major and depending on what opportunities you find, you can find yourself with interesting job titles and opportunites.

Just work hard no matter what you do. More doors open that way.

Luck to you!