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Guidance Career Guidance Topic started by: ashwvu90 on May 25, 2012

Title: Would you say a physics degree is useful in getting a job?
Post by: ashwvu90 on May 25, 2012
I like the subject, it's what I want to do at uni and I'll probably do it regardless of what the answers here say, sorry! xD

But I'm just curious - in your general life experience would you say physics is a subject valued by employers both in and out of science-orientated careers?

Thank you for answers! :)

Title: Would you say a physics degree is useful in getting a job?
Post by: smilejoni on May 25, 2012
Absolutely.  It's one of the highest-paying bachelors you can get.  But also consider engineering - you'd do a lot of physics, and it pays a bit higher and has more applications.  Here's a website from the American Physical Society (still useful even if you're not in the US) which lists the kinds of jobs you can get with a bachelors in physics.