Biology Forums - Study Force

Guidance Career Guidance Topic started by: tola2001 on Jul 28, 2012

Title: Would majoring and getting a degree in Quantum Physics be helpful in the US Air Force?
Post by: tola2001 on Jul 28, 2012
What kind of jobs are there if you have a degree in quantum physics in the US Air Force?

Thank you.

Title: Would majoring and getting a degree in Quantum Physics be helpful in the US Air Force?
Post by: ashya29 on Jul 28, 2012
Probably. There are lots of things that have to do with quantum physics in the US air force. So i would classify that as a definite yes! Also you can always have a career after or in between when you are done with being in the air force. 8-)

Title: Would majoring and getting a degree in Quantum Physics be helpful in the US Air Force?
Post by: ashyV on Jul 28, 2012
there are no jobs like that in the air force.

Title: Would majoring and getting a degree in Quantum Physics be helpful in the US Air Force?
Post by: oakrueangsit on Jul 28, 2012
It's not so much that the degree matters. It's just that you have a degree.
For instance, my platoon commander majored in classic literature.

I really do hate his guts though. Just because you have a major in something does not mean that you can effectively command an infantry platoon. DO YOU HEAR ME, LIEUTENANT URBAN? YOU SUCK!

Title: Would majoring and getting a degree in Quantum Physics be helpful in the US Air Force?
Post by: smileetons on Jul 28, 2012
probably be of zero use whatsoever.

 last year the AF did NOT hold any selection boards for Non Rated jobs.. so if you were not interested in becoming a Pilot, you had no opportunity to seek a commission.   this year does not look any different.  

what your degree is in means nothing if you enlist other than getting you E3.

Title: Would majoring and getting a degree in Quantum Physics be helpful in the US Air Force?
Post by: oaklandowns on Jul 28, 2012
What school offers a degree in quantum physics??

Title: Would majoring and getting a degree in Quantum Physics be helpful in the US Air Force?
Post by: zzz1090 on Jul 28, 2012
You could still be an officer and get any job you wanted if you are fit and have leadership experience.

But i'd say use your degree and get a job with NASA instead.  Then you'll actually get to use your degree!