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Discussion Off-Topic Room Topic started by: dasmus on Aug 19, 2012

Title: How would you solve overpopulation?
Post by: dasmus on Aug 19, 2012
If you were dictator of the world what would you do about overpopulation? How would you solve the basic equation of not SUPPLY for too much DEMAND for basic resources like food, water, or shelters to survive and especially when the rate of overpopulation in India, China, or Nigeria is already exploding and getting worse?

Title: How would you solve overpopulation?
Post by: rizkallah15 on Aug 19, 2012

Title: How would you solve overpopulation?
Post by: toku on Aug 19, 2012

Title: How would you solve overpopulation?
Post by: Tokii on Aug 19, 2012
Allow people to have only TWO children. That way they replace themselves at best. Some children will not survive into adulthood and some adults will not reproduce. Over time the population will reduce and stabilise.

Title: How would you solve overpopulation?
Post by: mike5411 on Aug 19, 2012
If I'd be a world ruler, I'd ask Chuck Norris for advice.

Title: How would you solve overpopulation?
Post by: dasme313 on Aug 19, 2012
Invent the idea that homosexuality is "normal" or "natural".

Title: How would you solve overpopulation?
Post by: riza on Aug 19, 2012
include sex education including homsexuality and eunuchs with every form of contraception in every school curriculum, disregarding religion, pro-life and all the other organisations who dictate choices. show aids victims and other sexually transmitted diseases in all their glory and impress the effects of puberty and hormones. yes, history is useful - and dispel superstition about infection transmission while teaching hygiene.

Title: How would you solve overpopulation?
Post by: rizkallah15 on Aug 19, 2012
when you hit 60 either your tax go up or we don't feed you lol i don't plan hitting  50 by then this world will be so screwed they will probably have suicide booths on the corner that would be funny.

Title: How would you solve overpopulation?
Post by: rizkallah15 on Aug 19, 2012
As I proposed in my book, I'd solve overpopulation by employing the one method people respond to most eagerly - economic incentives.  Using the U.S. as an example, minor changes to the tax code are all that's needed.  The current tax code actually rewards people for having more children by offering a significant deduction for each.  Instead, I'd lower the base tax rates for all and then impose small tax penalties - either for each child or for each child beyond the second, and the penalties would not apply only when that child is living at home; they would be permanent and last your lifetime.  Also, the penalties would be progressive based on income so that the wealthy would have as much incentive to have a reasonably-sized family as the poor.  

All people should be free to have as many children as they like.  But economic incentives should be used to influence that decision.

Pete Murphy
Author, "Five Short Blasts"

Title: How would you solve overpopulation?
Post by: tokem97 on Aug 19, 2012
Human rights will have to be violated and redesigned altogether. Seeing as I am dictator I am going to assume I have absolute power and freewill needs to be abolished in certain areas or with certain individuals. I would hone into problem areas like India, and most of Africa, parts of Central and South America, and the Middle East to eliminate (death) the ill (physically and mentally), criminals (imprisoned or otherwise), and ignorant and simpleminded people who make no impact on the world. And. It's really sad because these people will have a disadvantage of having no education, and basically no outstanding characteristics that marks them as beneficial to society as a whole and since I'm trying to SAVE the earth and the human race rather than just ignorantly harm it or ignore it -these people must go.In other areas such as North America, Europe, Australia that aren't immediately suffering from overpopulation but eventually will, there will be tests and competitions to prove your worth to stay alive on this earth. Religion will be eliminated!