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Biology-Related Homework Help Nursing and Clinical Topic started by: fisher 2012 on Aug 4, 2012

Title: can a doctor test for vitamin and mineral, magnesium, and iron deficiency with a blood test?
Post by: fisher 2012 on Aug 4, 2012
i had my gallbladder taken out a few years ago and i'm concerned that i'm not absorbing my vitamins and minerals because of it (i read that that's common if you dont' have your gallbladder.)

i have symptoms like chronic tiredness, not being able to keep my energy up, muscle cramping/soreness, and my hair has been falling out by the masses ever since i had my gallbladder taken out. i also can no longer eat meat due to not having my gallbladder so iron deficiency seems likely to me.

i want to get tested for vitamin and mineral deficiency, including iron, zinc, vitamin b complex, biotin, and magnesium. what tests do they do for this so i can request it?

my hair falling out especially is SUCH an indication that something is not right. it's a symptom that you can see. i'm 24 years old (female) and even my hairline is getting sparse. my hair grows in and falls out after getting to be about an inch long, and the strands are very very thin. they used to be thick before i got my gallbladder out. my thyroid test was normal.
i have been to around 15 doctors about this in the last 3 years. no one can figure it out. i think vitamin and mineral deficiency is the only thing that hasn't been tested for.

i have been referred to an endocrinologist to see on the 8th. i want him to test for these things.

the symptoms i have are:
tingling/numbness in hands and feet
weird rash on stomach that appears randomly
unable to keep my teeth clean at all. used to have very strong and beautiful teeth.
unexplained muscle cramping.
moderate to sometimes severe hip joint and bone pain in legs.
headaches constantly
extreme fatigue all the time. no energy.
bad memory
very rare type of heart tachycardia - beta blockers and calcium channel blockers exasterbate all above symptoms.
nausea when eating most foods.
unable to keep weight up.
low blood pressure.

im probably missing some symptoms there but that's the most of it. i used to be very healthy and had lots of energy. now i can't do anything.

Title: can a doctor test for vitamin and mineral, magnesium, and iron deficiency with a blood test?
Post by: smithcarla275 on Aug 4, 2012
Not with "A" blood test, but by using SEVERAL different blood tests they can find ALL of these.

For what YOU want, it will require a different test for EACH vitamin and each element (zinc, magnesium).

But why waste all the time and money? The tests you list could total more than $1000 -- and STILL be inconclusive!  CONSULT with your doctor, and do ONLY the tests that are necessary.  Follow HIS advice, not something you have read on the internet.

Title: can a doctor test for vitamin and mineral, magnesium, and iron deficiency with a blood test?
Post by: smith31 on Aug 4, 2012
yes. multiple blood tests