Title: The issues that attract serious attention of public officials and other people involved in politics Post by: ryobu on Sep 28, 2015 The issues that attract serious attention of public officials and other people involved in politics are collectively referred to as the ________ agenda.
A) media B) entrepreneurial C) profit D) news E) policy Title: Re: The issues that attract serious attention of public officials and other people involved in polit Post by: tugaluga on Oct 8, 2015 Content hidden
Title: Re: The issues that attract serious attention of public officials and other people involved in politics Post by: ryobu on Oct 10, 2015 Thank you for responding, I appreciate the help. Vote with confidence people!
Title: Re: The issues that attract serious attention of public officials and other people involved in politics Post by: tugaluga on Oct 10, 2015 Study, study, study, that's all I can say. ;)