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Discussion Off-Topic Room Topic started by: mikejuies on Aug 30, 2012

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: mikejuies on Aug 30, 2012

I wonder if Obama has any regrets yet?

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: kairos on Aug 30, 2012
Yes, because regardless of what is said/speculated 18 months out, progressives will turn out to vote.

Why - can you say President Bachman?  Neither can they.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: cacahueterox on Aug 30, 2012
It's iffy.  That's why I say he should just abandon the idea of trying to work with the republicans - even the republicans are hostage to the tea party's whims.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: mikelly73 on Aug 30, 2012
the brewers manger was found at a prosititution camp once

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: cacahueterox on Aug 30, 2012
No, he can't.

At the end of the day, Obama needs to realize who butters his bread.

Conservatives won't ever like him anyway.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: kaitlin89kk on Aug 30, 2012
obama has all the liberals support, are they going to vote for a repub?? no

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: julietalbot6 on Aug 30, 2012
I hope he can't win WITH it.

Regrets? He is WAY too much of a narcissist.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: merona01 on Aug 30, 2012
He won't get my vote so I hope he gets the independent vote he needs.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: kaitietaylor on Aug 30, 2012
Voters are funny; some don't make up their mind until the last moment, when they ask themselves, what's in it for me and am I better off now than before the last election....In Arkansas, no one would ever admit they supported Bill Clinton (his secrets and all), but he was voted into the governor's chair time and again.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: kairos on Aug 30, 2012
we'll see

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: mikelly73 on Aug 30, 2012

Conservatives will never vote for him even if he gave his life to Jesus tonight.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: miamcm9 on Aug 30, 2012
Like who else are progressive liberals going to vote for.  He is going to get our support.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: cacahueterox on Aug 30, 2012
Of course.  The politically far left may complain, but they will have no one else to receive their votes.  Granted, such voting may not be pro-Obama but it will be anti the republican candidate.  And such votes still carry the same weight.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: mikelly73 on Aug 30, 2012
Well, the progressive liberal base contains no one, in my opinion that will ever vote republican. So whatever happens, once Obama wins the democratic primary, he will have the support. The only other detachment Obama will have from the base is if progressive liberals decide not to vote in the next election. It wouldn't surprise me to know that that's what republicans are hoping for in order to win an election.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: mikelly73 on Aug 30, 2012
As a progressive liberal, I'll vote for him again.  Really, looking at the alternative I have no choice.  I just hope he stops caving to the tea party.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: Miah93 on Aug 30, 2012
At this juncture; if the Progressive and Liberals set on their butts again; as they did in the Mid-term; you'll have more regrets with more Tea Party influence over their lives. Obama isn't an option anymore, when you have the Tea Party and its policies wanting to cripple the economy out of fear.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: cacifer on Aug 30, 2012
let's see
a vote for president obama
or a vote for a conservative republican that has to pander to right wing extremists.
president obama wins!

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: MikeLake on Aug 30, 2012
Obama has to create as many dependents as possible to win the support of the democrat coccus. It has nothing to do with popularity or being morally corrupt amongst the liberals; It has to do with winning.

He will spend all 2.3 trillion on government programs designed to get votes.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: cacahueterox on Aug 30, 2012
Probably not. Disillusioned Americans not voting is how right wing tele-evangelists get into office.

Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: cacahueterox on Aug 30, 2012
If the Republicans nominate a true Conservative, Obama has no chance no matter how many Progressives support him.  Liberals/Progressives are a minority.  Most of the citizens of America consider themselves to be Conservative around 63%.  It is pretty clear to me that Obama will not win any traditionally Red States, will not win any Battleground States and will even loose support in traditionally Blue States primarily due to the high unemployment and underemployment numbers among other things.  


Title: Can Obama win the 2012 campaign without progressive liberal support?
Post by: cacwest124 on Aug 30, 2012
I don't see the progressive liberals voting for a conservative, but they might stay home.  I think it all depends on who the Republicans nominate.  If they nominate Romney, the progressive liberals might stay home and Obama might lose.  If they nominate Bachmann, I think the progressive liberals will come out to vote against her, rather than for Obama.