Title: In recent years, the basic paradigms and focus of mental health care have changed in all of the foll Post by: redcandle on Oct 21, 2015 In recent years, the basic paradigms and focus of mental health care have changed in all of the following ways EXCEPT to
A) supplement treatment with prevention. B) look for precipitating factors in life settings rather than for predisposing factors in people. C) focus more on "at-risk people" and less on situations and ecologies that put people at risk. D) go beyond a medical disease model to a public health model. Title: Re: In recent years, the basic paradigms and focus of mental health care have changed in all of the Post by: iwasten on Oct 22, 2015 Content hidden
Title: Re: In recent years, the basic paradigms and focus of mental health care have changed in all of the foll Post by: iwasten on Nov 3, 2015 Pleasure to help :)