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Science-Related Homework Help Psychology Topic started by: oascheri on Sep 15, 2012

Title: What is the difference between Secular Humanism and Marxism?
Post by: oascheri on Sep 15, 2012
Hi! I am supposed to compare/contrast Secular Humanism and Marxism.
I know that they both believe in naturalism and that there is no God.
What are some more similiarities and more differences?

Thanks so much!

Title: What is the difference between Secular Humanism and Marxism?
Post by: tomsawyer on Sep 15, 2012

after compiling extensive research i have concluded the following differences...

1-Marxists are in favor of marking things, hence the name "Marxists"

thats it! do your own homework!

Title: What is the difference between Secular Humanism and Marxism?
Post by: asilenthunter on Sep 15, 2012
They are completely unrelated?

One is religious, one is political. The only thing they agree on is that organised religion is an "opiate to the people"

Title: What is the difference between Secular Humanism and Marxism?
Post by: tomocha on Sep 15, 2012
One's communism and the other isn't, hope that helps.

Title: What is the difference between Secular Humanism and Marxism?
Post by: _biology on Sep 15, 2012
Do your own homework. You obviously have access to the internet, use it.

Title: What is the difference between Secular Humanism and Marxism?
Post by: illsy on Sep 15, 2012
Marxism is more of a social and political control concept which is based on the idea that if you treat people well and take care of their needs, they will be good followers in return.

Humanism is more of worshiping yourself or people in general. Becoming totally absorbed with your mortality. Most people who claim they are Atheist are really better labeled as humanist. Someone who see's education as the ultimate authority and accepts any information received from educational and state controlled institutions as truth.

Title: What is the difference between Secular Humanism and Marxism?
Post by: obama on Sep 15, 2012
Marxism-is the political philosophy and economic worldview based upon a materialist interpretation of history, a Marxist analysis of capitalism, a theory of social change, and an atheist view of human liberation derived from the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Secular Humansim-a humanist philosophy that espouses reason, ethics, and justice, and specifically rejects the supernatural and religious dogma as the basis of morality and decision-making. Like other types of humanism, secular humanism is a life stance that focuses on the way human beings can lead good, happy and functional lives.

Title: What is the difference between Secular Humanism and Marxism?
Post by: obama on Sep 15, 2012
Secular humanism is a sort of red herring. It's a term invented by those who do not care for some ideas expressed by modern schools of thought. I don't think anyone out there actually identifies as "secular humanist." I, of course, could be wrong. So when you hear the term "secular-humanist," you know the rest of the discussion is a sham, because the term is a set-up to shoot down some idea or ideas the person does not like. Note that just because you, I or anyone else do not like an idea, that does not make it wrong. It may well be, but not just because it pleases me to think it wrong.

Marxism is today almost non-existent. Marx got started on the string of theories that led to some types of socialism and communism. He had the bright idea that everyone ought to simply produce what he could, and ought to be given what they needed. The shorthand "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is classic Marxism. It's actually a wonderful idea that will not work because we are all very selfish by nature. We cheat, and that's why coercive means are needed to collect taxes, even though we generally agree that taxes are necessary; we just want them collected only from other people.

Your instructor is a sorry excuse for a teacher if they seriously want you to compare secular-humanism and Marxism, in my opinion. The discussion is empty.

Compare the actions of Jesus and the national Chamber of Commerce. Now that would be a comparison I'd like to see studied.