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Science-Related Homework Help High School Level Science Topic started by: Julia on Sep 9, 2012

Title: What animals do NOT follow the Hardy-Weinberg law?
Post by: Julia on Sep 9, 2012
What animals do not exhibit charastics of the Hardy-Weinberg law?

Title: What animals do NOT follow the Hardy-Weinberg law?
Post by: rjavier1 on Sep 9, 2012
No animal population will follow the Hardy-Weinberg law. It states that a population...

- must be large
- must be isolated
- no net changed in gene pool
- mating is random
- all genotypes are equal in reproductive success

This criteria are all speculative, and used as a refrence. NO population exists that fit all of the criteria due to mutations with occur naturally in all organisms, migrations, and reproductive success.

Title: What animals do NOT follow the Hardy-Weinberg law?
Post by: RJW on Sep 9, 2012
It's impossible to follow the hard-weinberg law completely.

These two guys came up with the idea that you could potentially perdict what the offspring of a population would be if you followed the 5 rules:

No natural selection
No mutation
No immigration/emmigation
Large Population
Random Mating

There is not one population, other then the theoretical that follow all these fules. Random mating never occurs, think about yourself, would you want to date the ugly nerdy kid, or the hot jock?  It's human nature to go for the hot guy.  Same goes for animals.
Large population you can easily get, but with no immigration/emmigration is impossible.
Mutations always happen, they're so little though it doesn't effect on a huge scale, but they do happen in DNA, that's one reason why we differ from our parents.
And natural selection, impossible to control.

So basically, all animals do not follow the rules.  It's pure theory.